Special Victims and Family Violence Unit
The Special Victim's Unit (SVU) holds jurisdiction over the prosecution of physical and sexual child abuse cases, intimate partner violence cases, sexual assault cases, child exploitation cases, child pornography cases, human trafficking cases, and vulnerable adult abuse cases within the County.
SVU forms an integral part of the County's Child Advocacy Center, which investigates all allegations of child abuse, and its leadership sits on the executive board. Collaborating with community partners, including the Family Justice Center, SVU provides comprehensive services to victims of intimate partner violence and sexual abuse.
SVU consists of 11 Circuit attorneys, 1 hybrid prosecutor, 4 district court attorneys, 3 paralegals, and 4 Victim Witness Coordinators.
Additionally, its members serve on the Sexual Assault Review Team, The Domestic Fatality Review Team, and the Human Trafficking Committee for Prince George's County.

Learn More about our special victims resources