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Narcotics Intelligence Unit
The role of the Narcotics Intelligence Unit is to champion justice for all residents of Prince George’s County by ensuring fairness and impartiality. The unit's fundamental objective is to safeguard public safety, curtail drug-related deaths, and prosecute major drug trafficking factions. Additionally, the unit addresses concerns raised by community members regarding ongoing drug activities and associated violence.
Back on Track
Our Back on Track Program serves as a diversion initiative designed for individuals facing drug trafficking charges for the first time. By providing an alternative to imprisonment, the program is instrumental in our efforts to reduce incarceration rates and save lives.

Learn More about our Back On Track Program
Back on Track Program
Our Back on Track Program is a diversion program geared towards first-time gun offenders and first-time drug traffickers. The Back on Track Program provides a viable alternative to incarceration and is an essential component of our strategy to reduce incarceration and save lives.
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